

Maki Sakuraba,

Global Personal Trainer & Executive Producer

Certifications: AFAA (Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor), EFTI, Kettlebell Athletics, Pre & Post Natal, CPR/AED, Medical Technologist (Japan)

Specialty: Body Makeover/Sculpting, Post-Rehab/Injury/Surgery, Weight Loss, Pre & Post Natal, Kettlebell Athletics (Level1), Sports-specific (Golf & Ski)

Education: MBA, The City University of New York (Baruch College), BS in Medical Technology (Yokohama, Japan)

*The Winning Trainer for the Weight Loss (“Biggest Loser”) Contest at Equinox Fitness Clubs @19th St. in 2008!

“Reverse Your Rheumatoid Arthritis by Yourself!”




Makimed, Inc.

(previous PO Box is no longer available)

Mineola, NY 11501 USA

ph.: +1.516.808.2236


  1. Free Fitness Evaluation & Consultation!

  2. Fee does not include the gym fee. If you don’t have a free access to gym facility with your trainer, an extra cost shall be added.

Personal Training

   1 session = $120 /hr.

  6 sessions =  $660  ($110 /hr.)

12 sessions = $1,200 ($100 /hr.)

as of January 2024

“We are continuously rebuilding our bodies. 

Within any seven-year period, each cell is replaced.”


by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

Finally, Maki has started her class “Reverse Your Rheumatoid Arthritis by Yourself!” through online!

Refer to the pictures (right) effectively showing how her method works!  The right column shows herself treated (actually "reversed") her own rheumatoid arthritis, while the left column represents typical patients going through the conventional treatment and still struggling.

She was diagnosed as "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis" 40+ years ago and experienced the toughest time in her life. Then she decided to leave "conventional treatment" for her own "holistic treatment" that lead her from a miserable wheelchair-bound girl in Japan to the top-notch personal trainer in a high-profile fitness club in New York!

As she has become an independent trainer after 7 years with Equinox in NYC, she is ready to teach you how to "reverse" your rheumatoid arthritis!

More info for Japanese (日本語) :

Online (Zoom) Sessions

With a growing number of people who work or study at home getting not enough exercise that would compromise your physical & mental health, Maki provides you with highly professional, personalized “training at home” program through Skype or Zoom with more affordable rate.

 1 session =  $100 USD /50 min.

   6 sessions = $500 USD ($83 /50 min.)